This is the international site of Herring Shoes, trading since 1966
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On our journal: Wooden shoe trees are essential

Polishing shoes part 1

Polishing shoes part 2 - hi-shine

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On our journal: Give your shoes and boots some love this Valentine’s Day

On our journal: How to wear men’s boots in winter

On our journal: Can you wear loafers in winter?

On our journal: Jerry Tharapos – businessman with flamboyant flair

On our journal: Milo McCabe – TV presenter, actor and stand-up comedian

On our journal: Rebecca Hooker – dance school owner and warrior against bullying

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New to the site is the iconic American brand Red Wing. Ever since we started online we have been asked to stock these famous boots and we are delighted to say we have finally got on with it! The brand is a perfect fit for us at Herring as it mixes the traditional craft of the Minnesota factory with the comfort and style that modern customers want without the stuffiness of dull design. In a way we think they are like the American Trickers. Or are Trickers the English Red Wing? Either way we hope you enjoy taking a look at the brand for the first time on our site. Please note we are restricted on where we can sell the brand but that is explained in the checkout.
Ladies Classic Chelsea ladies rubber-soled Chelsea boots
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Herring Shoes Herring Shoes Ltd, Unit 6, Old Station Yard, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1ES, UNITED KINGDOM +441548854886 is rated Star Star Star Star Star 4.9 out of 5 from 9184 reviews from Google Customer Reviews
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