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On our journal: Wooden shoe trees are essential

Polishing shoes part 1

Polishing shoes part 2 - hi-shine

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On our journal: Give your shoes and boots some love this Valentine’s Day

On our journal: How to wear men’s boots in winter

On our journal: Can you wear loafers in winter?

On our journal: Jerry Tharapos – businessman with flamboyant flair

On our journal: Milo McCabe – TV presenter, actor and stand-up comedian

On our journal: Rebecca Hooker – dance school owner and warrior against bullying

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The best shoes deserve the best shoe care. The products below will all help maintain their appearance and prolong their life. We suggest alternating your shoes so the leathers have time to dry out naturally and maintain their strength. Shoe trees are perfect for keeping your shoes in the original shape whilst they dry and make polishing your shoes far easier - you can read more about why they are important here, and read a more thorough article on shoe care here.
The best shoes deserve the best shoe care. The products below will all help maintain their appearance and prolong their life. Read about the importance of shoe care.
Cedar Valet Box With footrest
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Small Valet Box
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Small Valet Box (Empty)
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Double Pack of Cedar Expanding Shoe Trees
WAS $97.00
SAVE $9.00
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Double Pack of Expanding Shoe Trees
WAS $79.00
SAVE $8.00
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40 percent off Pair of Cedar Shoe Trees
WAS $57.00
SAVE $23.00
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20 percent off 5 Polish Gift Set
WAS $33.00
SAVE $7.00
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15 percent off Shoe Cream Polish Set (6)
WAS $39.00
SAVE $8.00
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The best shoes deserve the best shoe care. The products below will all help maintain their appearance and prolong their life. We suggest alternating your shoes so the leathers have time to dry out naturally and maintain their strength. Shoe trees are perfect for keeping your shoes in the original shape whilst they dry and make polishing your shoes far easier - you can read more about why they are important here, and read a more thorough article on shoe care here.
The best shoes deserve the best shoe care. The products below will all help maintain their appearance and prolong their life. Read about the importance of shoe care.
20 percent off Sneaker Care Kit
WAS $23.00
SAVE $4.00
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Herring Shoes Herring Shoes Ltd, Unit 6, Old Station Yard, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1ES, UNITED KINGDOM +441548854886 is rated Star Star Star Star Star 4.9 out of 5 from 9184 reviews from Google Customer Reviews
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